ESG Program
Doing good for people, society and the environment is of paramount importance at The Vincent Hotel Group. For example, all of our hotels are Green Key certified. Green Key represents the promise of our hotels to guests who, by choosing to stay with us, help make a difference in environmental and sustainability terms.
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ESG, this abbreviation stands for Environmental, Social & Governance, in Dutch environmental, social and governance criteria for a company's activities that have an impact on our society and the environment. Every year, TVHG sets new targets to increase its impact on society and reduce its footprint on the environment.Environmental goals include: - Eliminating single use plastic packaging - Achieving Green Key certification for our hotels - Minimizing food waste - Adjusting our menu composition for health and sustainability.Our social goals include - Employee satisfaction - Involvement in our nearby community - Providing opportunities for groups distanced from the labor market

Green Key Certification

Green Key promotes sustainability in our hospitality industry and reduces our impact on the environment, for example, reducing plastic use. Companies with a Green Key certification meet strict standards within 12 sustainability themes and do everything they can to preserve the environment without sacrificing comfort and quality for their guests. In doing so, we go a step further than normal laws and regulations require. Green Key has 3 levels: Bronze, Silver and Gold. All our hotels hold at least a Silver certificate.

Social calendar

Every year TVHG publishes a social calendar with all the activities for our employees, local community, the hospitality talents of the future and groups distanced from the labor market. For example, twice a year we organize an appreciation week for our employees, we clean beaches and streets during 'World cleanup day' and we cook for the homeless. We also dedicate 100% to the development of our employees with the TVHG academy.
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